середа, 24 січня 2018 р.

Брейн-ринг з англійської мови

Брейн-ринг для учнів 7-9 класів
”I am a winner”
·        узагальнити та закріпити вивчений матеріал;
·        розвивати пам ять та увагу учнів;
·        розширювати світогляд школярів;
·        зацікавлювати учнів до вивчення англійської мови;
·        виховувати почуття відповідальності, взаємоповаги та співпраці.
·        розвивати інтелектуальні,  мовленнєві та творчі здібності учнів;
·        повторити та закріпити вивчений матеріал;
·        формувати позитивну мотивацію до вивчення іноземної мови та до пізнавальної діяльності.
Хід конкурсної програми
Ведучий: Dear pupils and guests! I m very glad to meet you and welcome you to our сompetition between pupils of  the eigth and eleventh forms. Now I want to introduce the participants of our competition, the pupils who love and know English. We have ____ members:______________________________________
So, meet them. I wish you good luck and success, our dear pupils. Be very attentive and don`t be afraid, everything will be all right.  Now let me introduce our jury.
Ведучий:  Our first competition is greeting.
You will have 5 minutes to make your language biography
My name is___
I like____
My favourite songs______
My favourite films______
My favourite TV programmes____
My favourite dishes__________
My favourite comics/ books/ magazines__________
Ведучий:  Our second competition is “The Quickest
I will read question and your task to rise up the hand and answer it as quickly as you can
1. Where do kangaroos live?
2. What colour is the sky?
3. What is the national dish of the Ukrainians?
4. What is the official language of Great Britain?
5. Name the fastest way of travelling?
6. What season comes after winter?
 7. When do people usually have breakfast?
 8. How many eyes has a man?
9. Who wrote “Tom Sawyer” ?
10. What colour is milk?
11. What is the weather like usually in summer?
12. Why do people go to bed?
13. What river does Kyiv stand on?
14. How many oceans are there in the world?
15. What can you do with a book?
16. What colour is snow?
17. When is Christmas celebrated in England?
18. Who discovered America?
Ведучий:  Our third competition is “Association”
Your task to remember  as many words as you can. I will show you a picture and say a word. You should make association between word and picture. 
Small, mother, football, bad,  potato, cap, five, book, pencil, flower, teacher, shop, apple, film, nose.
Ведучий:  Our Fourth competition is “What? Where? When?
There are ____ categories. They are grouped they depending on the interrogative word
1. What month has 28 days?
 2. What is the main street in Kyiv?
3. What is the most famous Shevchenko’s book?

1. Where does the Queen Elizabeth ll live?
2. Where can  we see kangaroos?
3. Where  can you meet doctors and nurses?
1. Who wrote the tragedy ‘Romeo and Juliet’?
2. Who  founded Kiev?
3. Who who is the director of the school?
1. Which is the saltest sea in the world?
2. Which is longer river? Dnipro or Amazonka?
3. Which mountains are higher?  Himalayas, Andes?
1. When does our school start?
2. When do we have breakfast?
3. When do we celebrate the Independence day?

Ведучий:And now we have some minutes to sum the results of competitions .
The winner of this game is__________
We were glad to see you here. I think that all of you will have good knowledge in English.

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